Monitor chatbot performance with AI Chatbot Hub's analytics: track users, conversations, devices, and locations.
Last updated
Monitor chatbot performance with AI Chatbot Hub's analytics: track users, conversations, devices, and locations.
Last updated
Visitor tracking feature is available in the Team and Pro plans.
Enable the toggle from the Dashboard tab on the top right side.
From the Dashboard tab you can filter the date range for which you want to see data.
Select a time period for your selected chatbot and export analytics data from your dashboard menu by clicking in the button.
Data will be exported in a csv file.
Activating this feature will enable the collection of potentially personal identifying information (PII) from your site visitors, including the IP and geographical location they used to access your site.
Before you enable this feature, please make sure that this practice is compliant with your local laws.
Chatbot users: Number of users interacting with your chatbot
Website visitors: Number of visitors on your website where chatbot is present
Number of conversations: Number of conversations started. Data is sorted based on the time when the conversations were created.
Most popular sources: Most frequent sources from your user chats.
Visitors: Percentage of users that accessed and engaged with your app
Device category: Device used to access your website
Operating system: Website visitors’ operating system
Browser: Browsers used by site visitors
Location: Site visitors’ geographic location
UTM counts: Track and analyze all UTM counts. To track UTM counts, you need to add our script to your website.