Chatbot properties

Explanations of chatbot properties

uuid string

Unique Id of the chatbot

name string

This is the name you use to refer to the chatbot in your list of chatbots. It is not visible anywhere on the chatbot.

visibility select

Private: No one can access your chatbot except you (your account).

Public: Anyone with the link can access it on, and can be embedded on your website.

Hybrid: Can be embedded on your website, but no link sharing allowed.

Options are private, public, hybrid

rate_limit [number, number]

Limit the number of messages sent from one device on the iframe and chat bubble (this limit will not be applied to you on AI Chatbot Hub, only on websites for your users to prevent abuse).

First number: amount of messages.

Min 1 - Max 100

Second number: amount of seconds.

Min 1 - Max 360

rate_limit_message string

Message to show when rate limit is reached

show_citations boolean

Our AI bot credits sources and includes links to specific information it used from your trained data, promoting a reliable and informed conversation.

modified_at string

Indicates chatbot modified time

created_at string

Indicates chatbot creation time

Last updated